The Bangladesh Skills for Employment and Productivity (B-SEP) Project:
The Bangladesh Skills for Employment and Productivity (B-SEP) Project was an initiative of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) funded by the Government of Canada and executed by the International Labor Organization with support from the GoB. The project aimed to accelerate the current efforts being undertaken by other organizations, donors and government to make skills in Bangladesh nationally recognized, accessible to all, higher quality and directly linked to jobs.
Project Duration: 27 March 2013 – 30 June 2019
Development Partner: Government of Canada
Ultimate outcome of the project was a better trained, qualified and competent workforce with increased economic opportunities increased economic opportunities.
The main activities of BBDN were:
- BBDN was launched with support of ILO during BSEP.
- 4 job fairs. 2 job fairs were the first job fairs for persons with disabilities in Chittagong and Sylhet.
- Divisional workshops / seminars held with local chambers / employer associations on disability inclusion: Chittagong, Dhaka, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Barisal and Khulna. Outside Dhaka these were the 1st time disability inclusion was being discussed by the local employer groups.
- Post job fair study on the status of employment for persons with disabilities placed through the job fairs.
- 2 seminars to engage senior management / HR professionals of employers
- Champions of Disability Inclusive Employment Award event organized