Zaki Imam Bhuiyan is a 29 years old young boy with hearing impairment. He uses Cochlear Implant/Hearing Device for hearing. He has borne and brought up in southern part of the capital. He has completed his graduation in Accounting from Dania College under the national university. He was struggling for a job.
His dreams came true on 19th February, 2024 by the Job Fair for persons with disabilities organized by Bangladesh Business and Disability Network (BBDN). He secured his job at ACI Logistics Limited. (Shwapno) as a checkout assistant.
For Zaki, this job wasn’t just a means of earning a livelihood; it was a validation of his worth, a recognition of his abilities despite his disability. With the support of his cochlear implant/hearing device, Zaki was ready to embark on this new chapter of his life with enthusiasm and determination.
His journey serves as a beacon of hope for countless others facing similar challenges. Zaki’s story is a reminder that with perseverance and resilience, barriers can be broken, and dreams can be achieved. As he steps into his role at ACI Logistics Limited (Shwapno), Zaki’s success is not just his own; it’s a triumph for inclusivity and equality, inspiring others to believe in the power of their dreams, no matter the obstacles they may face.